Welcome! I'm so happy you're here!

Hi! I'm Heather

I'm a wellness & life coach, personal development enthusiast and follow through strategist with a background in performing arts and massage therapy. I'm a forever optimist. I believe in possibility and hope. I value enjoyment and creating life on purpose with intention and choice. 

I help people strategize personal success markers and systematize action steps for growth, accountability, and building trust in personal worth. I sell essential oils and teach people to partner with plants to lead themselves with love and intuition. I am a values based, time management expert that grows heart centered leaders who are confident, courageous and joyful in their daily relationships to themselves and their communities.  

I believe that every individual is a gift. As we cultivate more love and generosity and kindness, we spark more joy and creativity and confidence in our colorful and diverse collective so that together we create a more sustainable and thoughtful world.

I believe that everything I do is to help you recognize your own personal value and cultivate self-love so that you appreciate your unique role as a global citizen. 

After years of self doubt and paralyzing comparison to others, my discovery of the healing impact of pure essential oils and a deep dive into personal development led me to name and reclaim my own inherent value, trust in my inner wisdom and build confidence to share my authentic voice. 

I’m passionate about helping you discover ways to integrate self-care into your daily routine so that you may fall in love with yourself deeply. My goal is to help you find your center point of awareness. From this point you’ll learn to cultivate a balanced connection with yourself and your relationships to your family, community and world. 

Through deeper self love you begin to embrace a positive body and self image, inner peace, optimal health and well-being. I’ll help you develop a plan to practice your own self-care and cultivate simple steps to live your best life with joyful peace and optimistic hope.
thumb and finger holding a card with positive affirmation

Simple Self Care Habits

Often the best way to integrate new practices into daily routines is to start small. Sign up to receive 25 Simple Self Care Habits to Increase Confidence, Ease & Joy. Choose the self care option that you would like to try. Enjoy focusing on yourself for a few minutes each day and begin to feel more presence, peace and possibility as you create mini-moments to honor YOU.

two women seated facing each other in meditation pose